Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ghoul School Teaser

Update #2: School'd

Posted about 1 hour ago
We've been shooting non-stop (-ish) for the past 3 weeks, and it's been... a little intense. 
Today we're very proud to give you a first look at the film.
Enjoy Greg's three facial expressions.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

T O R N A D O Nest

When you live in Missouri you have a tornado plan. 
Here is our safe spot. 
It is luvvly jubbly super cozy.

Ta, xo J

POLLIWOG PROJECT thanks Joyce Wilson, Marlee and Charlie

The Springfield Missouri Downtown YMCA would like to say T H A N K  Y O U to M.S.U.
Construction Professor for her HUGE donation of swim trunks made by her students.
We also want to say "YOU ARE ROCK STARS" Marlee Hawes and Charlie Ryals for coordinating the donation and remaining loyal to the project while they study design at M.S.U.

Ta, xo J

Saturday, March 3, 2012


I am O V E R T H E M O O N about my sandal boot shoes.
I found these at a vintage store in Kansas City for $3.00.

After using my ice pick, utility knife, razor blade and sand paper on them I put them on and ran through the house.
With old and ugly S E N I O R feet...I seldom wear sandals. These have air holes and feel super comfy and luvvly jubbly.
I want to make some more sandals out of my canvas slip ons next.
I am so P U M P E D about repurposing left behind items.

Ta, xo J

Adding 2 pillows to my new collection

This is an ordinary old pillow. What makies it more memorable is that I slashed it with a box cutter and inserted brown vintage sweater wool behind the openings to give it more personality.

In simple...I adore vintage terry cloth towels. This towel I ripped and frayed the edges and glued it to the surface of a canvas pillow I had thrown away. I fished it out of the trash and resurrected it. It now LIVES.

Ta, xo J

Thank you besties

Thank you so much for all the friends that have checked on us during the recent tornado devestation.
We were not hit but our hearts go out to those that were. It is so nice to be thought about. xxoo

We had a blooming B L A S T in Kansas City bringing in Bob's 60th birthday.

Favorite moments:

1. Our picnic in our was ice cold and 33 degrees outside.
2. The Rodin exhibit at The Nelson.
3. Getting new pale blue jeans at Anthrogologie.
4. Coffee shop stops constantly.
5. Coming home to our cozy house with lots of cool stuff to remember.

Happy B DAY B O B!

Ta, xo J

Friday, March 2, 2012

B I R T H D A Y # 6 0

If your luvvly jubbly hubby turns 60 take him on a romantic wicked picnic in a cool city.

Don't forget...the  P I L L O W S...... or a comfy vintage table cloth for napping. Throw in a vintage umbrella in case in rains. 

These I made from tarp canvas (rubbed with oil paint) and a needlepoint I found at a thrifty.

Try using a vintage hat box for your wine and   t   a   l    l   French bread in addition to cheese, grapes,  finger foods, Bob's your uncle.
Bring a vintage clip board to rest your wine goblets on. Take your good ones. You only live once.

Ta, xo J

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I have been loving ladybugs since I was 16 years old

Today was one of those luvvy jubbly sunny days where you get to share coffee with a bestie and wear a vintage Ladybug blouse.

In Corvallis, Oregon (where I was born and raised as Julie Worthington) there was a smashing little shop on a corner named........can't remember. I would window shop there and maybe 2 times a year I would get to buy a blouse.
I was over the moon over the Ladybug clothing line.
When I found this blouse recently it took me back to age 16.

There was always a wicked little label that you would right your name on (in case when you "traded clothes" with a would get it back).

Since I had ladybugs on the brain, I must have created a wood cut design in ART class and printed 12 copies of it in November of 1966.
My mother loved ladybugs too. One afternoon I found her (age 76) sitting in a chair at her bedroom window with the sun bathing her face as she watched the ladybugs dance in the sill.

Nice memories.

Ta, xo J

J I M M A Y F I E L D ' S amazing photo design for Lyal Strickland's C.D.

This photo took my breath away.
Talk about a luvvly jubbly valentine.

Hat's off to you my second favorite PHOTOG!

Ta, xo J

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


After finding a luvvly jubbly vintage baseball book I had ideas spinning in my marmey head about making a bookbag not a bag for books.
I got my drill out and drilled right through the book cover and pages...then started binding and stitching things on the poor little innocent book.
I secured a vintage metal zipper bag to hold money and change securely.
My biggest struggle with a small bags is...where do the keys fit?...the phone?...the etc and etc??
I always have to have a pencil and small pieces of brown paper, my lip balm, my phone, plastic cards and $ if I have there is a place for everything!
Thank you, Dulcy, for another use of the rug hooking linen!
I am going to a bestie lunch in 30 minutes and show off my new BOOKBAG.

Ta, xo J

Monday, February 27, 2012

A B E S T I E party means spruce up the dining room!

Find old luvvly jubbly books and strip them of their pages. Use the pages as packing for shipping, drawer lining, shelf paper, notes written with a bold permanent marker or baking sheets.
Lay the book covers on your table and feel safe and clever when you place hot dishes and wet glasses on your table to save it's wood  finish.

If you have a cabinet that holds dishes and you you don't like using it for that tape old L.P. record brown paper slips in a modern pattern on the glass doors. You can peek through the pattern and reveal rocks, fossils and wood branches that you D O enjoy displaying in your cabinet.

Stand back and enjoy the look of your party room and get the umbrellas for your drinks ready and have a luvvly jubbly party as you enjoy your besties and laugh your ass off.

Ta, xo J

Leather buttons and straps to make a linen pouch

I found these men's leather belts at 2 thrifty stores. They were around $3.00 each.

After cutting both ends of the belt off (sewing scissors) it frees up the leather to be unraveled. It was luvvly jubbly to harvest 10 yards of leather strips from each belt!!!

After cutting 1" squares from a heavy leather tool belt I was able to create 30 soon to be buttons. Using a wood block for a work surface I hammered a large nail through the leather to form button holes.

I used the (belt) leather to lace and secure the square leather button onto the linen pouch (made from scraps of linen from Dulcy's rug hooking) to create a secure leather strap over button closure.
I installed the button with the same leather strapping by "threading" it through the button and linen and tied it off with a double knot.
More of the leather lacing was used as a shoulder strap for the small pouch purse.
I use  it every day and L O V E it! Super cute and springtime perfect.

Ta, xo J

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Feeling mischievous today

Vintage lace, sheer, luvvly jubbly slips make a smashing window treatment.

Ta, xo J

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Buttons can make a sweater luvvly jubbly

If you find a thrifty sweater that has buttons missing or the buttons are just not SMASHING enough...step out of the way of conventional thinking and sew on unexpected buttons.
The buttons here are from a vintage blouse. I sanded them to jubbly them up to have a HOBO look.

Here are the old buttons (2 were missing) that will be repurposed.

I adore 3/4 length sleeved sweaters in the spring.

Ta, xo J

Monday, February 20, 2012


Today is a day of gratitude for me.
I am grateful for where life is taking our family. 
Change is exciting and can serve as a new leaf.

Above is a vintage velvet zipper insert pillow cover. I dipped a wide paint brush in bleach and "painted" a heart.
Below it is a piece of wood that was in the bottom of a trunk that my grandfather made by hand.
As I pack and organize things I am finding things I want to honor. This is one artifact that means a lot to me.

Enjoy today!

Ta, xo J


I made this post jump from dulcysdoorstep over to my blog like a little mouse!


Jessy and I are wanting to wish you a lovely birthday, Charlotte.  Jessy has had this idea for awhile, and she made this luvvly jubbly bday wish bra.

Little Posey wanted to send her regards as well.............  All three of us are sending you the very best birthday wishes from Springfield, Missouri!

dulcy & Jessy

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 1 on Ghoul School set

The vibe on the set was calm and happy! WHEW!
The team is so AWESOME and fun to be around.

The room was full of T A L E N T and the mood was very luvvly jubbly.

Waxy brown paper bags with a jute tie held the salads for the besties.
My new title is: CRAFT SERVICE.

An old paper file box held penne pasta for all!

B I G  D A Y for Brook.

Ta, xo J

Friday, February 17, 2012


ROCK STAR Dulcy kicking back in her Docs! Are those socks not over the moon?
Luvvly jubbly!

Ta, xo J


My son, Ty...made 3 dozen paper roses for his bride on Valentine's day. 
This method is similar to ORAGAMI but involves more curves to create a softer design.
After creating the rose he dipped it in water and saturated it. Then the rose is hung upside down to dry.
It is called: KAWASAKI.

I hope all of you had a luvvly jubbly V day.

Ta, xo J

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

L U V V L Y table date with bestie....D U L C Y

We took over a large table at Starbucks today and spread out our S T U F F.

Beautiful Dulcy with her sock knitting.

I went M A D over my scissor  holder.... super C U T E..hooked pocket piece....made by D U L C Y.


Lucky M E.

Ta, xo J

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pin The Tail On The Donkey

Only thing missing from the box was the MAGIC STAY-ON WAX.....we used scotch tape.

Ta, xo J


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